鹿悅The simplicity and serenity of Japan is reflected in Kaetsu, whose name literally means the sounds that deer make when calling friends for a good meal. The menu features traditional Japanese favourites and seasonal specialities prepared with freshly flown-in ingredients from Japan. 鹿悅充份反映日本的古樸風味。餐廳名字取材自鹿群邀請友伴共同進餐時所發出的聲音。鹿悅 供應傳統日本料理及時令佳餚,全部以新鮮日本進口材料製作。 The menu is classic featuring sushi and sashimi as specialities with emphasis on freshness and quality ingredients. 鹿悅提供傳統日本料理包括壽司、刺身,全部以新鮮優質材料製作。 The room is designed with clean contemporary lines, reflecting the simplicity and serenity of Japanese culture. 鹿悅的私人宴會廳設計時尚中見清雅,充份反映日本古樸風味 |
嘉麟樓 Spring Moon嘉麟樓的裝潢仿照半島酒店於 1928 年開業時期的中菜館。餐廳裡的木屏風、彩色玻璃及古董 藝術擺設等,流露出 1920 年代建築師 Frank Lloyd Wright 的風格。 半島酒店《米芝蓮》星級食府呈現中菜的精粹。嘉麟樓以一流粵菜佳餚及點心見稱,既以傳統 為尊亦致力創新。中餐行政總廚梁燊龍師傅精通傳統粵菜,其出眾廚藝深得客人賞識。 嘉麟樓除了頂尖粵菜及馳名點心為人稱頌,其他出品如迷你奶皇月餅及 X.O.醬同樣是開創潮流, 堪稱名副其實的半島名物。精選菜式包括:各式生猛海鮮,巧手點心如香焗叉燒酥、翡翠龍蝦 餃及西西里紅蝦小籠包,全是深受歡迎的經典菜色。 The Peninsula's Michelin-starred Cantonese restaurant presents fine Chinese cuisine in its purest form, steered by renowned Chinese Cuisine Executive Chef Gordon Leung. Specialties include an array of seafood, superlative dim sum and the restaurant’s acclaimed XO sauce made to a secret recipe. Dim sum at Spring Moon is a timeless classic, featuring expertly crafted favorites from baked barbecued pork puff and steamed lobster and vegetable dumpling, and steamed Sicilian shrimp and minced pork dumpling with a refined twist. |
Rosewood Hotel ~
Chateau Tcc Singapore |